If you’ve been procrastinating starting on your list of fitness goals, we’ve got great news! Now you can work out with our experts to benefit from simple exercises you can do at home using common household objects to strengthen your body safely without the expense of buying equipment or a gym membership!

These routines are an effective way to tone your core, arms and legs and increase strength so you can greet each sunrise with determination to get things done because you’ll have the stamina to enjoy your day even more. Whether it’s leisure activities like golfing or shopping, or just getting to that household chores list without feeling intimidated by how much needs to be done, you’ll be confident with your new found energy and strength to meet that challenge and succeed!

Before we get to the actual method of performing the exercise routines, we’d like you to take a moment to look around your home for some common household items which can assist you in place of spending money on dumbbells. Some of these items include water bottles, one for each hand to hold in place of dumbbells. You can also fill empty laundry detergent bottles or resealable plastic milk containers with the amount of water you can comfortably lift over your head. Over time, as you build strength, you can increase the amount of water in each bottle. 

If you want to keep track of how much they weigh, simply step on your bathroom scale to see how much you weigh, then pick up one of the bottles and weigh yourself again. Deduct your body weight from the weight shown while you were holding the bottle, and that will determine the weight of one dumbbell equivalent. Just be sure to fill each bottle with the same amount of water, and check each time you increase the amount, so you’ll know how much you are advancing with this exercise routine and the ability to lift more weight above your head as your strength increases. 

You can also use canned goods like soup; just be sure you can hold them comfortably without dropping them to prevent injury. You can also wrap those cans in socks to make them softer to grip. Other items you may find useful, which are common in most households, include a hand towel rolled up with rubber bands or twine, which can also be easier to grip due to the softness, You might even find something suitable among your grandchildren’s or dog’s toys that you can borrow if they are willing to share them with you, or at least let you use them on loan! Then all you need is an exercise mat or soft surface and comfortable clothing suitable for working out. 

Our expert demonstrates how this exercise can help you to look and feel your very best! Squat Thrusters may sound a bit intimidating at first, but don’t let that be a deterrent. It’s really very simple to begin and eventually you will build your way up to the recommended number of repetitions and sets each time you work out to increase strength, endurance and balance, which is important as we age to prevent falls and injuries.

Begin by standing with your feet at shoulder width, or a bit wider as you feel comfortable, and hold your substitute dumbbells in each hand at shoulder height while keeping your elbows bent and tucked in towards your sides. Gently lower yourself into a squatting position while simultaneously raising both hands up over your head. As you bring yourself back to a standing position, lower your arms back to your sides. The ultimate goal for this routine is 15 repetitions of 3-4 sets. Again, that’s your goal, not necessarily your starting point. So be patient with yourself and increase gradually as you feel comfortable to do so. Before you know it, you’ll be squat thrusting like our experts and noticing how much stronger you feel with each incremental accomplishment! 

The next exercise, Overhead Triceps, works the back of your arms for strength to lift that trash bag out of the kitchen pail, bring your groceries in with ease, help you tend to your lawn and garden, lift up your grandkids easily and more! Simply grab one of your substitute dumbbells and hold it with two hands lifting it over your head from a standing position. Bending your elbows behind your head, lower your hands and lift them back up, repeating this movement up and down with your elbows tucked in. The ultimate goal is 3-4 sets of 12 repetitions, but again, go at your own pace and work your way up as you are ready to.

Of course, we did not forget about the front of your arms so our next routine is Bicep Curls, which will give you that sculptured tone of an athlete. It’s a basic move that involves holding both of your dumbbells with your hands facing forward or in, either is fine, and elbows tucked in towards your sides. From there simply lift your hand up with a bit of a squeeze to your bicep muscle and slowly lower it back down, keeping your elbow tucked in. Alternate arms and repeat until you complete the recommended number of repetitions, or as many as you can comfortably complete. You can also raise and lower both arms at the same time. Either method works just fine.

Remember, you can always refer to our videos to exercise along with our fitness experts for added encouragement and to be certain you are performing these routines correctly each time.