Prepare to be “charmed” by the Cobra Pose, a beginner-friendly movement that can greatly improve your body’s functional performance.

Often performed as part of yoga’s Sun Salutation, the Cobra Pose is a powerful backbend that strengthens the spine, stretches the chest, shoulders, and abs, and enhances flexibility.

What is it about the Cobra Pose that strengthens both body and mind? Some things to think about include …

Improve Posture … by exercising your spinal support muscles, the Cobra Pose can relieve back pain and correct the hunched-over position that often comes with sitting for extended periods of time.

Help Relieve Mild Depression … yoga is a true mind-body exercise that promotes relaxation and helps alleviate feelings of fatigue and stress.

Sleep Like A Baby … opening your heart and lungs with yoga can be beneficial to improving sleep.

More Than Meets The Eye … get an all-around workout by stretching and exercising numerous core sets of muscles, including spinal, chest, shoulder, and abdominal.

How To Perform The Cobra Pose …

:: Lay on your stomach on your yoga mat, toes pointing away. Bend your elbows back, keeping them tight to your body, and place your palms flat on the floor directly under your shoulders.

:: Engage your core by pressing the tops of your feet and your thighs into the mat and activating the abdominal muscles to support your lower back.

:: Press your palms into the floor and inhale deeply as you lift your chest off the floor by straightening your arms. Keep your elbow close to your body and your lower ribs in touch with the floor. (Hint: At first, it may be difficult to fully extend your arms. Make it a goal to increase your flexibility little by little to achieve the full Cobra Pose.)

:: Hold the pose for 15 – 30 seconds, taking several deep breaths throughout the exercise. Keep your neck neutral. Exhale and relax your arms until you’re resting comfortably on the floor in the starting position.

:: Perform three sets holding for 30 seconds per set.

If the Cobra Pose is a bit too challenging, try the Baby Cobra Pose …

Baby Cobra pose involves less extension of the elbows, includes a smaller backbend, and places less pressure on your hands and wrists. Consider using Baby Cobra Pose as you work toward full extension of your arms in Cobra Pose.

Great Poses to Pair With The Cobra Pose …

These essential exercises create a natural flow to your yoga practice and complement the movements of the Cobra Pose.

Box Breathing is a form of deep breathing so proven to reduce stress that even the U.S. Navy SEALs use it! It is based on the belief that a breath, much like a box, must have four sides. To practice Box Breathing, slowly count to four as you inhale, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and hold again for four seconds to complete the box.

Floor Bridge is another exercise that extends the spine, engages the glutes, and calms the mind. Performed by lifting your core/legs off the floor while laying on your back, the Floor Bridge also is an effective way to stretch your hip flexors.

Child’s Pose is another pose known for its calming and restorative effects. It is a foundational pose and is an excellent way to begin and end your regular yoga practice.

You Are As Young As Your Spine Is Flexible …

This Chinese saying is at the core of the Cobra pose. As both a heart-opener and a back-bender, the Cobra Pose leads to healthier living through reduced pain and increased flexibility. So, release your inner cobra and RISE TODAY!