Want to create a more powerful, athletic body that’s more able to handle any challenge? Then it’s time to add the Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch to your workout routine.
The Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch is a full-body movement, that develops your core, glutes, quads, shoulders, and back. And because it’s a full body exercise, it can help you burn fat. Plus, the explosive and athletic movement helps improve the effectiveness of your nervous system AND gets your heart rate up.
Let’s take a closer look at how this full-body exercise can help take your health and fitness to the next level …
:: Strength And Explosive Power
With proper form and sufficient repetitions and sets, the Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch will build muscle, strength, and explosive power, especially in the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, core, and shoulders.
:: Balance, Coordination, And Agility
The Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch develops core strength and enhances nervous system functionality. This compound movement encourages the entire body to work together in a complex movement. So, it’s perfect to improve athletic performance and every day functionality.
:: A Full-Body Exercise That Burns More Calories
Compound movements use multiple muscle groups simultaneously. So, they’re great for burning more calories and fat in less time. So, if one of your goals is losing fat, this exercise can help.
How To Perform The Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch …
:: Grab a single dumbbell and stand with feet shoulder width (or a little wide than shoulder width). Hint: Keep your weight more on your heels than the front of your feet. Hold the Dumbbell in the center of your body.
:: Perform a traditional squat with your hips back … your back flat … and your chest over the dumbbell.
:: Stand explosively. The movement starts with the extension of your legs and then continues with the straightening of your hips. Drive from the ground … through your core … using the momentum to fling the dumbbell up.
:: As you perform the explosive stand and straightening of the hips, let that momentum bring the dumbbell up to your shoulder.
:: As the dumbbell reaches your shoulder, shrug your shoulder and let all that momentum carry the dumbbell over your head in one fluid movement. Make sure to lock out your arm at the top of the exercise to stabilize the dumbbell. Pro Tip: Don’t use the muscles of your arm to raise the dumbbell over your head … use the momentum generated by the unified motion of your legs, hips, and shoulder shrug.
:: When you lower the dumbbell for the next rep, make sure to lower it in a safe, controlled way.
:: Perform three (3) sets with 10 to 15 repetitions per set.
Don’t Make These Mistakes …
:: Don’t use more weight than you can handle. That could lead to bad form and possibly injury. It can also stop you from getting the desired results.
:: Don’t curl the dumbbell to get it to your shoulder and don’t press the dumbbell to get it over the head. Let the momentum from the proper execution do the work.
:: Don’t lean when bringing the dumbbell over your head … keep your balance at all times.
Helping Tips …
:: Drive with your legs first
:: Pull the dumbbell upwards close to your chest
:: Drop under the dumbbell into a squat
:: Catch the dumbbell at full arm’s length
:: Stand to a fully upright position after dumbbell is above your head
:: Try Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches. Perform this exercise the same way as earlier outlined, but switch the dumbbell to the other hand after its lowered to chest level before starting the next repetition.
Great Exercises To Do With The Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch …
:: Dumbbell Clean … this fantastic exercise works the whole body, improving strength and coordination. It will help develop your glutes, hamstrings, quads, shoulders, back, and core.
:: Burpee … work your legs, chest, triceps, and cardio with this one exercise that goes great with the Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch. Doing these two exercises in the same workout will develop your entire body helping to give you strength, agility, explosive power, and cardio endurance.
:: Sumo Squat … improve your strength, endurance, balance, and range of motion with the Sumo Squat. Do this exercise with Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches to get improved movement efficiency. Since Sumo Squats work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, you should also gain improved movement patterns.
“Snatch” Victory From Jaws Of An Ineffective Workout …
You deserve better than average workouts. You deserve GREAT RESULTS. And the Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch can help!
Since this exercise is a unilateral movement, it can improve muscle imbalances and movement asymmetries. Plus, because it’s a compound movement, it can help give you more overall body strength, better cardio – all while burning more calories and burning fat. So, give it a try and enjoy the results!