The Leg Lift … it’s a versatile, effective, and reliable way to target core muscles.

This one exercise will work …

<> Rectus Abdominis
<> Glutes
<> Quadriceps
<> Internal & External Obliques
<> Lower Back
<> Hip Flexors
<> Inner Thighs
<> Transverse Abdominis (TVA)

Add three sets of this exercise to your Leg Day or Abs Day and you can enhance your overall strength, stability, and athletic performance.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the benefits you’ll enjoy from Leg Lifts …

<> Core Strength: The primary benefit of leg lifts is the strengthening of core muscles. A strong core is essential for maintaining balance, stability, and proper posture.

<> Improved Athletic Performance: A strong core is crucial for many sports and physical activities. Leg lifts enhance core stability. And this translates to better performance in activities that require balance and coordination, such as gymnastics, yoga, and martial arts.

<> Enhanced Flexibility and Mobility: Leg lifts improve the flexibility and mobility of the hip flexors and lower back. This increased flexibility is beneficial for activities that require a wide range of motion, such as dancing, running, and swimming.

<> Injury Prevention: Strengthening the core and lower back muscles helps to prevent injuries, especially in the lower back region. This is particularly important for athletes who engage in high-impact sports like football, basketball, and tennis.

How To Leg Lift Like A Pro …

<> Starting Position: Lie flat on your back on a mat or a comfortable surface. Keep your legs straight and your arms at your sides, palms facing down. Hint: Tighten your abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button towards your spine. This engagement will help protect your lower back during the exercise.

<> Lift Your Legs: Slowly raise both legs towards the ceiling, keeping them as straight as possible. Continue lifting until your legs are perpendicular to the floor or as close as you can get to that without lifting your lower back off the floor. At the top of the lift there should be a 90-degree angle with your legs and your body. Inhale as you raise your legs up.

<> Lower Your Legs: Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position without letting them touch the floor. Keep the movement controlled and avoid using momentum. Exhale while lowering the legs.

<> Repetitions: Perform 10-15 repetitions for 3-4 sets, depending on your fitness level. At higher fitness levels you can try for 25-50 reps per set.

Want To Make The Exercise More Challenging? …

Simply hold a dumbbell over your head. This will help to “light up” your shoulder and back muscles, in addition to your core.

Common Mistakes To Avoid …

<> Arching the Lower Back: One of the most common mistakes is allowing the lower back to arch off the floor. This can lead to back strain and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Always engage your core and keep your lower back pressed against the mat.

<> Lifting Your Shoulders: Do not lift your shoulders off the floor. Keep shoulders relaxed and on the ground.

<> Using Momentum: Avoid swinging your legs or using momentum to lift them. This reduces the engagement of the core muscles and can lead to injury. Perform the movement slowly and with control.

<> Incomplete Range of Motion: Ensure that you lower your legs close to the floor without touching it. This helps ensure a full range of motion and maximum muscle engagement.

Leg Lifts Also Work Great With …

<> Planks: Planks are excellent for building core strength and stability. They engage multiple muscle groups, including the abs, back, shoulders, and glutes.

<> Bicycle Crunches: Bicycle crunches target the obliques and upper abs, complementing the lower ab workout provided by leg lifts. This combination helps in achieving a well-rounded core workout.

<> Russian Twists: Russian twists enhance the rotational strength of the core. This exercise is particularly beneficial for sports that involve twisting movements, such as golf and tennis.

<> Mountain Climbers: This dynamic exercise works the entire body, particularly the core, legs, and shoulders. It also adds a cardiovascular element, improving endurance and agility.

<> Hip Bridges: Hip bridges strengthen the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. They provide a balance to the leg lifts by targeting the posterior chain, ensuring comprehensive lower body strength.

And don’t forget – your fitter, flatter stomach is an achievable goal with consistent effort.